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Testimonial from a Satistfied Dentist

"I think Earl's system is very fair to both the owner and the associate. I feel very comfortable starting an associate in my new office."

Stephen S. Smith, DDS

Contact Us

Please complete the following form and press the "Download kit" button. You may then download the Prepared Practice Program kit.

We will occasionally email you with updates of documents and reminders to keep them current.

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ADS South

Testimonial from a Satistfied Dentist

"Your service was most important in perceiving and communicating to a younger dentist the pro's and con's of a contractual relationship. You served me well by your innovative ideas presented in the contract and by communicating its meaning to both parties. I was impressed by your patient and flexibility to change some of your concepts to meet both of our needs and still maintain incentives for both parties."

Robert M. McLean, DDS